Center for Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology

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  • Le 24 May 2024 de 08:30 à 18:00
    Centre Loire Campus
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Team 3 Integrative Transplantation, HLA, Immunology, and Genomics of Kidney Injury (iTHINK) at CR2TI UMR1064 INSERM, Nantes Université, will host an international symposium on Immunoinformatics on May 24, 2024. The symposium will bring together over 80 researchers and specialists in the field at the MSH Ange Guépin, Nantes.

Join us for a one-day symposium, jointly organized by SHLARC (SNP-HLA Reference Consortium) and SIP (Society for Immune Polymorphism, USA), which focuses on the theme of immunoinformatics, highlighting the shared perspectives between these two entities. SIP is a home for scientists dedicated to understanding the genetic and functional variation of the vertebrate immune system. SHLARC aims to perfect and simplify the statistical inference of HLA alleles for the international community.



This symposium is funded by Nantes Université, NExT, Nantes Métropole, the Pays de la Loire Region, the European Union (FEDER), ANR, FRANCE 2030, NMDP, GenDX, LabEx IGO

Mis à jour le 26 March 2024.