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SEMINAR ; Dr A.SCHLITZER/Dr J.THOMAS - Functional specialization of mononuclear phagocytes during health and disease.

  • Le 02 July 2024

    Amphi Denis Escande, IRS-UN
    Quai Moncousu NANTES

    false false
  • On July 2th 2024 at 11 am

Dr Andreas SCHLITZER/Dr Jake THOMAS University of Bonn Invited by Jérôme MARTIN Title : “Functional specialization of mononuclear phagocytes during health and disease. “.

Andreas Schlitzer, studied molecular biology at the University of Marburg, followed by a Masters degree from the University of Manchester. After his Ph.D at the Technical University of Munich in 2012, he moved to the lab of Florent Ginhoux at the Singapore Immunology Network as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2016, he was awarded a prestigious Emmy Noether Research fellowship from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and opened his independent research group at the University of Bonn. In 2019, he became the Cluster of Excellence Professor for Quantitative Systems Biology at the LIMES Institute of the University of Bonn and holds the Full Professorship for Biology of Inflammation since 2023. Andreas Schlitzer has received several awards, including the postdoctoral award from the Robert Koch Foundation in 2016 for his work on Dendritic cell function and development.

Mis à jour le 27 May 2024.