SEMINAR : Dr Julie HELFT Macrophages and T cell immunity in tumors
Le 11 July 2023false false
Mardi 11 Juillet 2023 à 11H,
Salle Jean Monnet
Dr Julie HELFT, Université de Paris - Inserm U1016 - Cnrs UMR8104 - Institut Cochin - Equipe "Phagocytes et Immunologie des Cancers" Titre : “Macrophages and T cell immunity in tumors”. Invitée par le Dr Jérôme Martin
Julie Helft is an INSERM researcher leading the "Phagocytes and Cancer Immunology lab" at Institut Cochin. Her career has been dedicated to decipher how mononuclear phagocytes regulate adaptive immunity. During her PhD (France) and post-doctoral trainings (US and UK), she studied the interactions between T cells and dendritic cells and dendritic cell ontogeny. In 2017, she started a research group at Institut Curie, working on macrophage biology in breast tumors. In 2020, she started her own lab at Institut Cochin which focuses on understanding the role of macrophages in regulating CD8+ T cell infiltration in tumors and on developing new immunotherapies targeting macrophage subsets