Donate for the future of transplantation !

ProGreffe: a corporate foundation to support research in the field of organ transplants.

Every day, many people are waiting for a potential organ transplant that would give them hope and comfort in their lives.
In 1993, a group of corporate sponsors joined forces to create the ProGreffe Foundation in order to financially support research conducted at the Institute of Urology-Neurology Transplantation of the University Hospital of Nantes (ITUN), in the field of kidney and pancreas transplants.
ProGreffe was the first multi-funded corporate foundation created in France; it devotes 95.4% of the funds raised to research. The Foundation has supported 173 high-level researchers and students (Masters 1 & 2, PhD students) in just over 25 years.
From 10 founders at its beginning, ProGreffe has expanded to over 30 in 2018.
From 1993 to 2018, the foundation has raised over €4,545,000 for research.
For more informations, see our corporate movie : Discover

Why supporting Progreffe ?


How to donate ?

Transplantation not only saves lives, it is a major therapeutic success that offers patients a new quality of life and a relief to their family and friends. To increase the impact of the ProGreffe Foundation's support in transplant research, everyone can help! Join us as one the companies founder or personally donate.
Visit the Progreffe website to learn more

Thanks for your help !

Mis à jour le 21 janvier 2022.